World Fine Art Professionals and their Key-Pieces, 75 - Inge-lize Zevenboom

I saw the work of Inge-lize Zevenboom at an exhibition at the Sis Josip Gallery in The Hague. It was a series of small exciting paintings in which nature undergoes all sorts of metamorphoses. Very imaginative. It was a duo exhibition with Saskia Wagenvoort who showed her photos.

At the presentation she said that she took inspiration from nature. “Ideally, rugged nature, as for example there still is in Sweden or Spain. It’s lovely to wander there on your own or canoe through a wild river. The Dutch beaches I like less. Besides nature, there are the tales that put my imagination to work. I’ve always liked listening to stories about princesses, gnomes and elves. When I was older I loved fantasy books. What attracted me was the loneliness, the mysterious. When I see trees, preferably with twists in it and holes, I imagine the creatures that may come forth from them.”

Miniature paintings

“I have this world in my mind”, she says a few weeks later in the cafe of the Hague Filmhuis. “I can almost see it. I have to do something with it. I have dyslexia, I have always struggled with language. Drawing and painting, I could imagine it as I saw it. Which each picture the story grows. It is a piece, a part of my world.”

It helped that her parents were teachers. She therefore had long vacations. “My parents love walking. My father is a biologist, knows a lot about plants and animals. And my mother is good at telling stories, also to motivate us, children, while walking.”

She always made small paintings? “It only started at the end of the Academy.the Hague Royal Academy of Fine Arts. I made a pretty big work, a 3D tree and huge paintings. During the pre-graduation show, which was held in the VROM building, my teachers said, ‘Make it bigger, maybe wall paintings.’ From a certain rebelliousness I then made a series of minitiature works. I liked that so much that I didn’t stop with it.”

Trans Siberian Express

In these small paintings she can bring in a lot of details that draw the viewer into her world. “I concentrate on those details, I try to make them perfect. But I do not fill the entire space, so that the viewer can put his imagination into force. “It is important to present the work well, because since it is so small, it has a tendency to fade away. At the pre-graduation exhibition that problem was overcome because there was a gray band across the length of the wall where the paintings fit well.”

The series of paintings at Sis Josip’s Gallery is her third series. For inspiration she has a folder with pictures of trees, rocks and waterfalls. Soon she may find more inspiration because she goes for three and a half month to China, with the Trans-Siberian Railway, to stay there in an Artist in Residency accomodation in Xiamen on the East China Sea, at the opposite of Taiwan.

“In Siberia you have a lot of nature, there is a real wilderness. I travel with a small group, we stop a few times, for example in Mongolia, so we can have contact with nomads.” And next she wants to see Beijing. “Fortunately it will be spring then, so most smog is gone.” And then she travels to Xiamen, to the Centre for European Art in China, CEAC. “There are artists from all over the world, from different disciplines. I’m curious. At the end there is an exhibition of the work I’ve made there.”

A Magical World

It wasn’t so easy. There was a selection and she went through succesfully. Perhaps this piece of her ‘artist statement’ played a role. She shows it at her mobile phone. It reads as follows:

Melancholia, longing
Loss of childhood, innocence, believe in magic
A story, a tale, a happy ending
about a World far away, but close to your heart
To be found in the middle of nature, about adventure, discovery, romance
a magical World …..

Bookstore Paagman

Inge-lize feels herself all her life artist. “When I was one / two years my mother gave me finger paint. I started frantically. On photos you can see that there is more paint on me than in the drawing.” Practising artist she is about two years, starting at the last year at the Academy. There she showed her work at an installation (see her website) and subsequently she exhibited in Stella Maris – Star of the Sea in Noordwijk.  

Next to the exhibition at Sis Josip she recently participated in a group exhibition in Gallery Artishock in Rijswijk. To earn some extra she works for a while as a cook in the kitchen of Bookstore Paagman in the Statenkwartier. Her studio is located in the Schilderswijk, in an old school. There are also others with a studio, a photographer, a musician, a designer and an architect. But during the time that she will be in China, she stores her stuff. “And after China, we’ll see.”



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